Support in Description

Good description uses specific, concrete details to create the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that support and show your main impression.

Colors Loud/soft Sweet/sour
Shapes Piercing/soothing Sharp/mild
Sizes Continuous/off-and-on Good (like what?)
Patterns Pleasant/unpleasant (how?) Bad (rotten?)
Brightness High/low New (like what?)
Does it look like anything else? Does it sound like anything else? Does it smell like anything else?
Good (What does good taste like?) Hard/soft
Bad (What does bad taste like?) Liquid/solid
Bitter/sugary Rough/smooth
Metallic Dry/oily
Burning/spicy Textures
Does it taste like anything else? Does it feel like anything else?

As you think about the main impression you want to convey, ask yourself: What sensory details might bring this subject to life? Add additional details to convey each sensation more accurately or vividly.

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