Table : TABLE 1.2 • Common Defense Mechanisms
Defense MechanismHow the Defense Mechanism Transforms the ConflictExample
Repression (considered to be the most important defense mechanism)Unintentionally keeping conflict-inducing thoughts or feelings out of conscious awarenessYou “forget” about the time you saw someone getting mugged across the street.
DenialNot acknowledging the conflict-inducing thoughts or feelings to oneself (and others)You are addicted to painkillers but won’t admit it, even though the addiction has caused you to miss work.
RationalizationJustifying the conflict-inducing thoughts, feelings, or behaviors with explanationsAfter a father hits his daughter, he justifies his behavior to himself by saying it will build her character.
ProjectionAscribing (projecting) the conflict-inducing thoughts or feelings onto othersInstead of admitting that you don’t like a classmate, you say the person doesn’t like you.
Reaction formationTransforming the conflict-inducing thoughts or feelings into their oppositeYour feelings of attraction to your colleague at work are transformed into distaste and disgust, and you begin to feel repulsed by the colleague.
SublimationChanneling the conflict-inducing thoughts or feelings into less-threatening behaviorsWhen a father’s frustration and anger at his teenage daughter mount, he channels his feelings by going for a 20-minute run.