The man who made this drawing said, “This belt buckle symbolized safety for me in my stay in the hospital. I felt no harm would come to me while I wore it. I also left it visible to me on my nightstand next to my bed at night. I thought several times the belt buckle saved me from whatever was going on. My belt buckle seemed as though it was wearing thinner, using up its strength a little at a time in helping me” (Emmons et al., 1997. Although many people have a good luck charm, the fact that this man believed that his belt buckle was getting thinner because it was “using up its strength” suggests that he had a delusional belief about it.
Drawing by Craig Geiser from Living with Schizophrenia by Stuart Emmons, Craig Geiser, Kalman J. Kaplan, Martin Harrow. Taylor & Francis, 1997