Table : TABLE 2.4 • Cloninger’s Four Temperaments
TemperamentDescriptionHypothesized related neurotransmitterAssociated disorder(s)
Novelty seekingSearching out novel stimuli and reacting positively to them; high levels can lead to being impulsive, avoiding frustration, and easily getting angryDopamineWith a high level, disorders that involve impulsive or aggressive behaviors
Harm avoidanceReacting very negatively to harm and avoiding it whenever possibleSerotoninWith a high level, anxiety disorders
Reward dependenceDegree to which past behaviors that have led to desired outcomes in the past are repeatedNorepinephrineWith a low level (in combination with high impulsivity), substance use disorders
PersistenceMaking continued efforts in the face of frustration when attempting to accomplish something.Possibly dopamineWith a low level, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
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