VISUAL ACTIVITYZuñi Defend Their Pueblo against Coronado This sixteenth-century drawing by a Mexican artist shows Zuñi bowmen fighting back against Coronado’s men and the entreaties of Christian missionaries. The drawing depicts a Zuñi defender aiming his arrow at a Mexican missionary armed with a crucifix, a rosary, and the Bible.READING THE IMAGE: How did this picture convey Spaniards’ point of view about Zuñi opposition to Coronado and his men?CONNECTIONS: Why did missionaries seek to convert Native Americans to Christianity, and why did many Native Americans resist the missionaries’ efforts?
Ms Hunter 242 f.317r The Spanish Conquest, from “Historia de Tlaxcala” by Diego Munoz Camargo (pen & ink on paper)/Mexican School, (16th century)/UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW LIBRARY/© Glasgow University Library, Scotland/Bridgeman Images.