The American Promise: Printed Page 287
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 267
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 301
Transportation advances accelerated manufacturing after 1815, creating an ever-
The American Promise: Printed Page 287
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 267
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 301
Page 288The earliest American textile factory was built in the 1790s by an English immigrant in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. By 1815, nearly 170 spinning mills stood along New England rivers. While British manufacturers hired entire families for mill work, American factory owners innovated by hiring young women, assumed to be cheap to hire because of their limited employment options and their short-
In 1821, a group of Boston entrepreneurs founded the town of Lowell on the Merrimack River, centralizing all aspects of cloth production: combing, shrinking, spinning, weaving, and dyeing. By 1836, the eight Lowell mills employed more than five thousand young women, who lived in carefully managed company-
The American Promise: Printed Page 287
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 267
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 301
Page 289Despite the long hours, young women embraced factory work as a means to earn spending money and build savings before marriage; several banks in town held the nest eggs of thousands of workers. Also welcome was the unprecedented, though still limited, personal freedom of living in an all-
In the mid-
The shoe manufacturing industry centered in eastern New England reorganized production and hired women, including wives, as shoebinders. Male shoemakers still cut the leather and made the soles in shops, but female shoebinders working from home now stitched the upper parts of the shoes. Working from home meant that wives could contribute to family income—
In the economically turbulent 1830s, shoebinder wages fell. Unlike mill workers, female shoebinders worked in isolation, a serious hindrance to organized protest. In Lynn, Massachusetts, a major shoemaking center, women used female church networks to organize resistance, communicating via religious newspapers. The Lynn shoebinders who demanded higher wages in 1834 built on a collective sense of themselves as women. “Equal rights should be extended to all—
In the end, the Lynn shoebinders’ protests failed to achieve wage increases. At-