The American Promise: Printed Page 368
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 334
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 382
The American Promise: Printed Page 368
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 334
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 382
Page 368Plantation-
A network of relationships placed small farmers and planters together. Planters hired out surplus slaves to ambitious yeomen who wanted to expand cotton production. They sometimes chose overseers from among the sons of local farm families. Plantation mistresses occasionally nursed ailing neighbors. Family ties could span class lines, making planter and yeoman kin as well as neighbors. Yeomen helped police slaves by riding in slave patrols, which nightly scoured country roads to make certain that no slaves were moving about without permission. On Sundays, plantation dwellers and plain folk came together in church to worship.