The American Promise: Printed Page 428
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 392
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 449
At first, the bustle of economic and military mobilization seemed to silence politics, but bipartisan unity did not last. Within a year, Democrats were labeling the Republican administration a “reign of terror” and denouncing as unconstitutional Republican policies expanding federal power, subsidizing private business, and emancipating the slaves. In turn, Republicans were calling Democrats the party of “Dixie, Davis, and the Devil.”
The American Promise: Printed Page 428
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 392
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 449
Page 429When the Republican-
Linking the draft and emancipation, Democrats argued that Republicans employed an unconstitutional means (the draft) to achieve an unconstitutional end (emancipation). In the summer of 1863, antidraft, antiblack mobs went on rampages in northern cities. In July in New York City, Democratic Irish workingmen—
Lincoln called Democratic opposition to the war “the fire in the rear” and believed that it was even more threatening to national survival than were Confederate armies. The antiwar wing of the Democratic Party, the Peace Democrats—
The American Promise: Printed Page 428
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 392
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 449
Page 430In September 1862, in an effort to stifle opposition to the war, Lincoln placed under military arrest any person who discouraged enlistments, resisted the draft, or engaged in “disloyal” practices. Before the war ended, his administration imprisoned nearly 14,000 individuals, most in the border states. The administration’s heavy-
REVIEW Why was the U.S. Congress able to pass such a bold legislative agenda during the war?