Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.
1. The aerial view of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, reveals the foundation of a large structure that once contained more than 600 rooms and 35 kivas centered on two large plazas. What does this image suggest about the social organization of the people who lived in this pueblo?
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2. Chacoans made daily use of a variety of manufactured objects, including the sandal, digging stick, ladle, mano and metate, and fire-starter kit shown here. What does the collection of objects pictured here suggest about the way the Chaco people organized the production of such goods?
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3. The Chaco people lived in a hot and dry climate at the intersection of present-day Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. What do the objects shown here suggest about how they took advantage of the region’s harsh environment to maximize food production?
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4. The objects shown in this feature reveal many details about the utilitarian aspects of Chaco life. What do they suggest about the Chaco people’s ability to spend time on loftier concerns, such as religion and art?
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5. The objects presented here tell historians a great deal about the daily lives of Chaco people. What can historians NOT learn about from a collection of artifacts like these?
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