The American Promise: Printed Page 560
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 514
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 584
In the earliest days of the Alliance movement, a leader of the Southern Farmers’ Alliance insisted, “The Alliance is a strictly white man’s nonpolitical, secret business association.” But by 1892, it was none of those things. Advocates of a third party carried the day at the convention of laborers, farmers, and common folk in 1892 in St. Louis, where the Farmers’ Alliance gave birth to the People’s Party (Populist Party) and launched the Populist movement. The same spirit of religious revival that animated the Farmers’ Alliance infused the People’s Party. Convinced that the money and banking systems worked to the advantage of the wealthy few, Populists demanded economic democracy. To help farmers get the credit they needed at reasonable rates, southern farmers hit on the ingenious idea of a subtreasury—
The American Promise: Printed Page 560
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 514
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 584
Page 561The Populists solidly supported free silver, in the hope of increasing the nation’s tight money supply. To empower the common people, the Populist platform called for the direct election of senators and for other electoral reforms, including the secret ballot and the right to initiate legislation, to recall elected officials, and to submit issues to the people by means of a referendum. In support of labor, the Populists supported the eight-
The American Promise: Printed Page 560
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 514
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 584
Page 562The sweeping array of reforms enacted in the Populist platform changed the agenda of politics for decades to come. More than just a response to hard times, Populism presented an alternative vision of American economic democracy.
REVIEW Why did American farmers organize alliances in the late nineteenth century?