Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.
1. For what purpose did John Muir and the members of the Sierra Club want to preserve wilderness, such as the Yosemite Valley, in the early twentieth century?
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2. Why did public opinion regarding San Francisco’s plan to get water from Hetch Hetchy change in the years following 1903, when the U.S. Secretary of the Interior forbid the city from doing so?
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3. California progressives were dismissive of John Muir’s attempts to preserve Hetch Hetchy from commercial use, arguing that the real enemy in the fight over Hetch Hetchy was not the city of San Francisco but
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4. Although John Muir did not succeed in preventing San Francisco from damming Hetch Hetchy in 1907, his fight to save it resulted in what positive outcome for preservationists less than ten years later?
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5. This essay supports which of the following historical arguments about the environment in the early twentieth century?
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