The American Promise: Printed Page 879
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 797
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 910
After the economy took off in 1983, some Americans won great fortunes. Popular culture celebrated making money and displaying wealth. Books by business wizards topped best seller lists, the press described lavish million-
Many of the newly wealthy got rich from moving assets around rather than from producing goods, making money by manipulating debt and restructuring corporations through mergers and takeovers. Notable exceptions included Steven Jobs, who invented the Apple computer in his garage; Bill Gates, who transformed the software industry; and Liz Claiborne, who created a billion-
Older industries faced increasing international pressures, as German and Japanese corporations overtook U.S. manufacturing in steel, automobiles, and electronics. International competition forced the collapse of some companies, while others moved factories and jobs abroad to be closer to foreign markets or to benefit from the low wages in countries such as Mexico and Korea. Service industries expanded and created new jobs at home, but at substantially lower wages. The number of full-
The weakening of organized labor combined with the decline in manufacturing to erode the position of blue-
The American Promise: Printed Page 879
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 797
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 910
Page 880In keeping with conservative philosophy, Reagan adhered to trickle-
REVIEW What conservative goals were realized in the Reagan administration?