The American Promise: Printed Page 53

The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 49

The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 58

An English Colony on Chesapeake Bay

The American Promise: Printed Page 53

The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 49

The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 58

Page 53

In 1606, England’s King James I granted the Virginia Company more than six million acres in North America in hopes of establishing the English equivalent of Spain’s New World empire. Enthusiastic reports from the Roanoke voyages twenty years earlier (see “Europe and the Spanish Example” in chapter 2) claimed that in Virginia “the earth bringeth foorth all things in aboundance . . . without toile or labour.” Investors hoped to profit by growing some valuable exotic crop, finding gold or silver, or raiding Spanish treasure ships. Their hopes failed to confront the difficulties of adapting English desires and expectations to the New World already inhabited by Native Americans. The Jamestown settlement struggled to survive for nearly two decades, until the royal government replaced the private Virginia Company, which never earned a profit for its investors.