Test Page 2

Use it Make friends with it. Learn when to stop. I really recommend you use odorless thinner or your spouse is gonna run you right out into the yard and you'll be working by yourself. Let's put a touch more of the magic here. I thought today we would do a happy little picture.

Just go out and talk to a tree. Make friends with it. Put it in, leave it alone. Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world. Now, we're going to fluff this cloud. Maybe there's a happy little bush that lives right there. It's a good way of getting rid of all your anxieties and hostilities. Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. Trees grow however makes them happy. You're meant to have fun in life.

I started painting as a hobby when I was little. I didn't know I had any talent. I believe talent is just a pursued interest. Anybody can do what I do. Maybe he has a little friend that lives right over here. If you overwork it you become a cloud killer. There's nothing worse than a cloud killer. Just go back and put one little more happy tree in there.

Be brave. We'll put all the little clouds in and let them dance around and have fun. Pretend you're water. Just floating without any effort. Having a good day. Poor old tree. Talk to trees, look at the birds. Whatever it takes. Don't be bashful drop me a line. No pressure. Just relax and watch it happen. Isn't that fantastic?

Happy painting, God bless. Now we can begin working on lots of happy little things. There is no right or wrong - as long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone. You have to make almighty decisions when you're the creator. Every day I learn.

Only eight colors that you need. This is where you take out all your hostilities and frustrations. It's better than kicking the puppy dog around and all that so. Maybe there's a happy little waterfall happening over here. Isn't that fantastic? You can just push a little tree out of your brush like that. Let's make a happy little mountain now. You can do anything your heart can imagine.

In your world you have total and absolute power. I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the 'Mona Lisa' with a two-inch brush. Look around, look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere, you only have to look to see it. You can do anything here - the only pre-requisite is that it makes you happy. You are only limited by your imagination.

Fluff that up. And I know you're saying, 'Oh Bob, you've done it this time.' And you may be right. It's cold, but it's beautiful. Let your imagination be your guide. Do an almighty painting with us. Use what you see, don't plan it. Let's make some happy little clouds in our world. We'll make some happy little bushes here. Let's give him a friend too. Everybody needs a friend.

Let's go up in here, and start having some fun See there how easy that is. Put light against light - you have nothing. Put dark against dark - you have nothing. It's the contrast of light and dark that each give the other one meaning. Have fun with it. Nature is so fantastic, enjoy it. Let it make you happy. We'll do another happy little painting. Let's build some happy little clouds up here. That's what painting is all about. It should make you feel good when you paint.

Whatever it takes This is an example of what you can do with just a few things, a little imagination and a happy dream in your heart. Talk to trees, look at the birds.

The first step to doing anything is to believe you can do it. See it finished in your mind before you ever start. There comes a nice little fluffer. Nothing's gonna make your husband or wife madder than coming home and having a snow-covered dinner. Everyone wants to enjoy the good parts - but you have to build the framework first. In nature, dead trees are just as normal as live trees. Work that paint. There's not a thing in the world wrong with washing your brush. Mix your color marbly don't mix it dead.

Even trees need a friend. We all need friends. Use absolutely no pressure. Just like an angel's wing. Just let your mind wander and enjoy. This should make you happy. Put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. Nothing wrong with washing your brush.
