ca. 400,000 BP Homo sapiens evolve in Africa.
ca. 25,000-14,000 BP Glaciation exposes Beringia land bridge.
ca. 15,000 BP Humans arrive in North America.
ca. 13,500-13,000 BP Paleo-Indians use Clovis points.
ca. 11,000 BP Extinction of mammoths.
ca. 10,000-3000 BP Archaic hunter-gatherer cultures dominate ancient America.
ca. 5000 BP Chumash culture emerges in southern California.
ca. 4000 BP Eastern Woodland peoples grow gourds, make pottery.
ca. 3500 BP Southwestern cultures cultivate corn.
ca. 2500 BP Eastern Woodland cultures build burial mounds, cultivate corn.
ca. 2500-2100 BP Adena culture develops in Ohio.
ca. 2100 BP-AD 400 Hopewell culture emerges in Ohio and Mississippi valleys.
ca. AD 200-900 Mogollon culture develops in New Mexico.
ca. AD 500 Bows and arrows appear south of Arctic.
ca. AD 500-1400 Hohokam culture develops in Arizona.
ca. AD 800-1500 Mississippian culture flourishes in Southeast.
ca. AD 1000-1200 Anasazi peoples build cliff dwellings and pueblos.
ca. AD 1325-1500 Mexica establish Mexican empire.
AD 1492 Christopher Columbus arrives in New World.