1534 English Reformation begins.
1609 Henry Hudson searches for Northwest Passage.
1620 Plymouth colony founded.
1626 Manhattan Island purchased; New Amsterdam founded.
1629 Massachusetts Bay Company receives royal charter.
1630 John Winthrop leads Puritan settlers to Massachusetts Bay.
1636 Rhode Island colony established.
Connecticut colony founded.
1636–1637 Pequot War.
1638 Anne Hutchinson excommunicated.
1642 Puritan Revolution inflames England.
1649 English Puritans win civil war.
1656 Quakers arrive in Massachusetts and are persecuted.
1660 Monarchy restored in England.
1662 Many Puritan congregations adopt Halfway Covenant.
1664 English seize Dutch colony, rename it New York.
Colony of New Jersey created.
1675–1676 King Philip's War.
1681 Colony of Pennsylvania founded.
1686 Dominion of New England created.
1688 England's Glorious Revolution.
1689–1697 King William's War.
1692 Salem witch trials.