1800 Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tie in electoral college.
Gabriel's rebellion reported.
1801 House of Representatives elects Jefferson president.
Barbary War with Tripoli begins.
1803 Marbury v. Madison.
United States warned not to ship war goods to Britain or France.
Louisiana Purchase.
1804 U.S. defeats Tripoli.
Jefferson meets with Osage Indians.
1804–1806 Lewis and Clark expedition.
1807 Chesapeake incident.
Embargo Act.
United States establishes trade with Comanche Indians.
1808 James Madison elected president.
1809 Treaty of Fort Wayne.
Non-Intercourse Act.
1811 Battle of Tippecanoe.
1812 United States declares war on Great Britain.
1813 Tecumseh dies at battle of the Thames.
1814 British attack Washington City.
Treaty of Ghent.
Hartford Convention.
1815 Battle of New Orleans.
1816 James Monroe elected president.
1819 Adams-Onís Treaty.
1820 Missouri Compromise.
1823 Monroe Doctrine asserted.
1825 John Quincy Adams elected president by House of Representatives.