1869 National Woman Suffrage Association founded.
1870 John D. Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil Company.
1872 Andrew Carnegie builds world's largest steel plant.
1873 Wall Street panic leads to major economic depression.
1874 Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) founded.
1876 Alexander Graham Bell demonstrates telephone.
1877 Rutherford B. Hayes sworn in as president.
Munn v. Illinois.
1880 James A. Garfield elected president.
1881 Garfield assassinated; Vice President Chester A. Arthur becomes president.
1882 John D. Rockefeller develops the trust.
1883 Pendleton Civil Service Act.
1884 Grover Cleveland elected president.
1886 Wabash v. Illinois.
1887 Interstate Commerce Act.
1888 Benjamin Harrison elected president.
1890 McKinley tariff.
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) founded.
Sherman Antitrust Act.
1892 Ida B. Wells launches antilynching campaign.
1893 Wall Street panic touches off national depression.
1895 J. P. Morgan bails out U.S. Treasury.
1901 U.S. Steel incorporated and capitalized at $1.4 billion.