1914 U.S. Marines occupy Veracruz, Mexico.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
Germany attacks Russia and France.
Great Britain declares war on Germany.
1915 Lusitania sunk.
1916 Pancho Villa attacks Americans in Mexico and New Mexico.
Wilson reelected.
1917 Zimmermann telegram intercepted.
United States declares war on Germany.
Committee on Public Information created.
Selective Service Act.
Espionage Act and Trading with the Enemy Act.
1918 Wilson gives Fourteen Points speech.
Russia arranges separate peace with Germany.
Sedition Act.
U.S. Marines see first major combat.
Armistice signed ending World War I.
1919 Paris peace conference begins.
Treaty of Versailles signed.
Wave of labor strikes.
1920 American Civil Liberties Union founded.
Prohibition begins.
Palmer raids.
Senate votes against ratification of Treaty of Versailles.
Women get the vote.
Warren G. Harding elected president.