1988 George H. W. Bush elected president.
1989 Communism collapses in Eastern Europe.
1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.
1991 Persian Gulf War.
1992 Bill Clinton elected president.
1993 Israel and PLO peace accords.
North American Free Trade Agreement.
1994 United States sends troops to Haiti.
World Trade Organization established.
1995 Bombing of federal building in Oklahoma City.
1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.
1998–2000 United States bombs Iraq.
1999 Senate trial rejects impeachment of Clinton.
2000 George W. Bush elected president.
2001 Terrorists attack World Trade Center and Pentagon.
U.S.-led coalition drives Taliban government out of Afghanistan.
USA Patriot Act.
$1.35 trillion tax cut.
2002 No Child Left Behind Act.
2003 United States attacks Iraq.
2005 Hurricane Katrina.
2008 Worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Barack Obama elected president.
2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
United States ends combat operations in Iraq, increases troops in Afghanistan.
2011 Osama bin Laden killed.