1789 George Washington inaugurated first president.
French Revolution begins.
First Congress meets.
Fort Washington erected in western Ohio.
1790 Congress approves Hamilton's debt plan.
Judith Sargent Murray ­publishes "On the Equality of the Sexes."
National capital moved to Philadelphia.
Indians in Ohio defeat General Josiah Harmar.
1791 States ratify Bill of Rights.
Bank of the United States chartered.
Ohio Indians defeat General Arthur St. Clair.
Congress passes whiskey tax.
Haitian Revolution begins.
Hamilton issues Report on Manufactures.
1793 Anglo-French Wars commence in Europe.
Washington issues Neutrality Proclamation.
Eli Whitney invents cotton gin.
1794 Whiskey Rebellion.
Battle of Fallen Timbers.
1795 Treaty of Greenville.
Jay Treaty.
1796 John Adams elected president.
1797 XYZ affair.
1798 Quasi-War with France erupts.
Alien and Sedition Acts.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.
1800 Thomas Jefferson elected president.