Chapter 122. Reflections on Free Labor: Promise and Reality, Chapter 12

Reflections on Free Labor: Promise and Reality, Chapter 12

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is c. The author’s main point in this section is that, as the industrial revolution began to transform American society, leaders in the North and West articulated a free-labor ideology that promoted an egalitarian vision of human potential, but also justified economic inequality as a natural consequence of freedom.
Incorrect. The answer is c. The author’s main point in this section is that, as the industrial revolution began to transform American society, leaders in the North and West articulated a free-labor ideology that promoted an egalitarian vision of human potential, but also justified economic inequality as a natural consequence of freedom.


Correct. The answer is d. To support his argument that the free-labor ideal promoted an egalitarian vision of human potential, claiming that success was possible for anyone, the author used the example of Abraham Lincoln’s statement that free labor was “the just and generous, prosperous system which opens the way for all—gives hope to all, and energy and progress and improvement of condition to all.”
Incorrect. The answer is d. To support his argument that the free-labor ideal promoted an egalitarian vision of human potential, claiming that success was possible for anyone, the author used the example of Abraham Lincoln’s statement that free labor was “the just and generous, prosperous system which opens the way for all—gives hope to all, and energy and progress and improvement of condition to all.”


Correct. The answer is a. As evidence to support his assertion that proponents of free-labor ideology blamed poor individuals for their lack of economic success, the author points to a textbook’s reminder to children that hard work brought success, but “all the ignorance, degradation, and misery in the world is a result of indolence and vice.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. As evidence to support his assertion that proponents of free-labor ideology blamed poor individuals for their lack of economic success, the author points to a textbook’s reminder to children that hard work brought success, but “all the ignorance, degradation, and misery in the world is a result of indolence and vice.”


Correct. The answer is a. The author suggests that large numbers of Irish immigrants were drawn to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century because the wages they could earn as domestic servants or manual laborers were dramatically higher in the United States than in Ireland. He states, “In America’s labor-poor economy, Irish laborers could earn more in one day than in several weeks in Ireland.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author suggests that large numbers of Irish immigrants were drawn to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century because the wages they could earn as domestic servants or manual laborers were dramatically higher in the United States than in Ireland. He states, “In America’s labor-poor economy, Irish laborers could earn more in one day than in several weeks in Ireland.”


Correct. The answer is b. To illustrate his claim that many Americans promoted free-labor ideology because it seemed to describe their experiences, the author repeatedly points to the example of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln frequently referred to the ideal of free labor as the factor that facilitated his advancement from hired laborer to wealthy lawyer-politician. His experience and his story served to motivate many other non-elite Americans to work hard in their pursuit of economic success.
Incorrect. The answer is b. To illustrate his claim that many Americans promoted free-labor ideology because it seemed to describe their experiences, the author repeatedly points to the example of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln frequently referred to the ideal of free labor as the factor that facilitated his advancement from hired laborer to wealthy lawyer-politician. His experience and his story served to motivate many other non-elite Americans to work hard in their pursuit of economic success.


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