Chapter 132. Reflections on Masters and Mistresses in the Big House, Chapter 13

Reflections on Masters and Mistresses in the Big House, Chapter 13

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is a. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that white masters controlled southern plantations and used the concept of paternalism to justify their privileges, govern the lives of their wives and children, and maintain their dominance over enslaved African Americans.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that white masters controlled southern plantations and used the concept of paternalism to justify their privileges, govern the lives of their wives and children, and maintain their dominance over enslaved African Americans.


Correct. The answer is d. To demonstrate that paternalist ideology had some impact on many plantation masters’ treatment of their slaves, the author cites evidence showing that slaves’ basic welfare improved during the first half of the nineteenth century as their masters provided somewhat better diets, housing, and clothing.
Incorrect. The answer is d. To demonstrate that paternalist ideology had some impact on many plantation masters’ treatment of their slaves, the author cites evidence showing that slaves’ basic welfare improved during the first half of the nineteenth century as their masters provided somewhat better diets, housing, and clothing.


Correct. The answer is d. As evidence to support his point that paternalist masters were not kind, the author cites the existence of state laws that permitted masters to treat their slaves’ bodies in any way they deemed acceptable, and the persistence of whipping as a form of coercion and punishment.
Incorrect. The answer is d. As evidence to support his point that paternalist masters were not kind, the author cites the existence of state laws that permitted masters to treat their slaves’ bodies in any way they deemed acceptable, and the persistence of whipping as a common form of coercion and punishment.


Correct. The answer is b. As proof of his argument that plantation mistresses’ lives did not conform to the ideal of the “Southern Lady,” the author writes that such women were not really ladies of leisure, but working women who managed the big house, allocating work to their slaves and supervising their efforts.
Incorrect. The answer is b. As proof of his argument that plantation mistresses’ lives did not conform to the ideal of the “Southern Lady,” the author writes that such women were not really ladies of leisure, but working women who managed the big house, allocating work to their slaves and supervising their efforts.


Correct. The answer is a. Paternalism gave some slaves leverage over the conditions of their lives by making some masters desire to avoid reputations as cruel. Slaves took advantage of this situation and sought to negotiate with their masters whenever possible.
Incorrect. The answer is a. Paternalism gave some slaves leverage over the conditions of their lives by making some masters desire to avoid reputations as cruel. Slaves took advantage of this situation and sought to negotiate with their masters whenever possible.


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There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your answer has been accepted and your response will be reviewed by your instructor.


There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your answer has been accepted and your response will be reviewed by your instructor.