Chapter 285. Reflections on Liberal Reform and the Nixon Administration, Chapter 28

Reflections on Liberal Reform and the Nixon Administration, Chapter 28

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is b. The author’s main point is that, although Richard Nixon won the election of 1968 in large part because of his opposition to the Great Society and the protest groups of the 1960s, his policies as president accepted and promoted many elements of the liberal reform agenda of the period.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The author’s main point is that, although Richard Nixon won the election of 1968 in large part because of his opposition to the Great Society and the protest groups of the 1960s, his policies as president accepted and promoted many elements of the liberal reform agenda of the period.


Correct. The answer is c. The author points to Nixon’s implementation of affirmative action among federal contractors and unions as evidence to support her argument that his presidential administration accepted some elements of Lyndon Johnson’s legislative program.
Incorrect. The answer is c. The author points to Nixon’s implementation of affirmative action among federal contractors and unions as evidence to support her argument that his presidential administration accepted some elements of Lyndon Johnson’s legislative program.


Correct. The answer is a. The author uses Nixon’s action to freeze wages and prices in 1971 as evidence that economic crises led him to contradict his antigovernment rhetoric during his term as president.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author uses Nixon’s action to freeze wages and prices in 1971 as evidence that economic crises led him to contradict his antigovernment rhetoric during his term as president.


Correct. The answer is a. The author argues that the post-World War II economic recovery in Japan and Western Europe made it possible for the Japanese and Europeans to produce cars and electronic equipment that competed favorably with American goods, leading to a trade imbalance that weakened the U.S. economy.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author argues that the post-World War II economic recovery in Japan and Western Europe made it possible for the Japanese and Europeans to produce cars and electronic equipment that competed favorably with American goods, leading to a trade imbalance that weakened the U.S. economy.


Correct. The answer is d. The author argues that the U.S. Supreme Court, along with the U.S. Congress, did not allow Nixon to back away from providing federal support for integration and civil rights.
Incorrect. The answer is d. The author argues that the U.S. Supreme Court, along with the U.S. Congress, did not allow Nixon to back away from providing federal support for integration and civil rights.


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There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your answer has been accepted and your response will be reviewed by your instructor.