Chapter 33. Reflections on Hierarchy and Inequality in the Chesapeake, Chapter 3

Reflections on Hierarchy and Inequality in the Chesapeake, Chapter 3

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is b. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that the inequality that stemmed from indentured servitude in Chesapeake society ultimately reached the boiling point in 1676 when Bacon’s Rebellion broke out. The rebellion, in turn, prompted reforms that stabilized planters’ relationships with poorer Virginians, and paved the way for a labor system that was based on racial differences.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that the inequality that stemmed from indentured servitude in Chesapeake society ultimately reached the boiling point in 1676 when Bacon’s Rebellion broke out. The rebellion, in turn, prompted reforms that stabilized planters’ relationships with poorer Virginians, and paved the way for a labor system that was based on racial differences.


Correct. The answer is d. To prove his point that Chesapeake landowners felt increasingly threatened by poor and landless men by the mid-seventeenth century, the author points out that the House of Burgesses, which consisted of wealthy tobacco planters, banned them from voting in 1670.
Incorrect. The answer is d. To prove his point that Chesapeake landowners felt increasingly threatened by poor and landless men by the mid-seventeenth century, the author points out that the House of Burgesses, which consisted of wealthy tobacco planters, banned them from voting in 1670.


Correct. The answer is a. The author supports his argument that Bacon and his supporters represented poor Virginians’ grievances in part by describing the types of laws they passed once they obtained power in the Virginia legislature. Bacon’s laws sought to limit the power of the grandees by forbidding officeholders from demanding bribes for carrying out their duties, placed limits on holding multiple offices, gave the local settlers a voice in setting tax rates, and, most importantly, restored the vote to all free men, including those who owned no property.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author supports his argument that Bacon and his supporters represented poor Virginians’ grievances in part by describing the types of laws they passed once they obtained power in the Virginia legislature. Bacon’s laws sought to limit the power of the grandees by forbidding officeholders from demanding bribes for carrying out their duties, placed limits on holding multiple offices, gave the local settlers a voice in setting tax rates, and, most importantly, restored the vote to all free men, including those who owned no property.


Correct. The answer is d. The author accounts for the increasing social and economic polarization after the mid-seventeenth century in various ways, but he suggests that the declining mortality rate was particularly important. As the society grew and more servants survived their indentures, less and less land was available for purchase. These changes created a large population of landless freemen who became increasingly resentful that they had few opportunities to improve their status in Chesapeake society.
Incorrect. The answer is d. The author accounts for the increasing social and economic polarization after the mid-seventeenth century in various ways, but he suggests that the declining mortality rate was particularly important. As the society grew and more servants survived their indentures, less and less land was available for purchase. These changes created a large population of landless freemen who became increasingly resentful that they had few opportunities to improve their status in Chesapeake society.


Correct. The answer is b. According to the author, Virginia elites realized that they needed to “steer between. . .either an Indian or a civil war” and concluded that it was safer for the colonists to fight the Indians than to fight one another. After Bacon’s rebellion, the government made few efforts to prevent white encroachment on Indian land, giving landless freemen greater opportunities for social mobility and moderating social and economic tensions in the region.
Incorrect. The answer is b. According to the author, Virginia elites realized that they needed to “steer between. . .either an Indian or a civil war” and concluded that it was safer for the colonists to fight the Indians than to fight one another. After Bacon’s rebellion, the government made few efforts to prevent white encroachment on Indian land, giving landless freemen greater opportunities for social mobility and moderating social and economic tensions in the region.


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