Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 16
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1. What did the demand for compensation for lost slave property suggest about the meaning of defeat and emancipation to slaveholders? (See Document 16-1: Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South)
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2. How did the black codes in Mississippi regulate marriage? (See Document 16-2: Black Codes Enacted in the South)
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3. What do the advertisements placed by former slaves for information about family members suggest about the role of the family in the lives of former slaves? (See Document 16-3: Former Slaves Seek to Reunite Their Families)
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4. How did Louis Manigault think his former slaves were faring in their freedom without him? (See Document 16-4: Planter Louis Manigault Visits His Plantations and Former Slaves)
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5. Why did the Klansmen choose not to kill Elias Hill? (See Document 16-5: Klan Violence against Blacks)
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6. Which of Carl Schurz's observations would Elias Hill have most strongly agreed with? (See Document 16-1: Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South and Document 16-5: Klan Violence against Blacks)
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7. Which of Carl Schurz's observations about the South are most clearly borne out in the black codes of Mississippi? (See Document 16-1: Carl Schurz Reports on the Condition of the Defeated South and Document 16-2: Black Codes Enacted in the South)
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