Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 23
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1. Why did Edward Earle Purinton believe business was going to be the redemption of the world? (See Document 23-1: Edward Earle Purinton Celebrates American Business as the Salvation of the World)
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2. According to Reinhold Niebuhr, how did Henry Ford exemplify the morality of the new era? (See Document 23-2: Reinhold Niebuhr on Christianity in Detroit)
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3. What did Hiram W. Evans criticize when he complained about hyphenism? (See Document 23-3: The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism)
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4. Why did Mother B in Margaret Sanger's collection of letters "live in constant dread of more children"? (See Document 23-4: Mothers Seek Freedom from Unwanted Pregnancies)
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5. What was the goal of Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association? (See Document 23-5: Marcus Garvey Explains the Goals of the Universal Negro Improvement Association)
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6. How did Reinhold Niebuhr's view of industrial society and spiritual progress compare with that of Edward Earle Purinton? (See Document 23-1: Edward Earle Purinton Celebrates American Business as the Salvation of the World and Document 23-2: Reinhold Niebuhr on Christianity in Detroit)
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7. How did Hiram Evans's advocacy of the Ku Klux Klan compare with Marcus Garvey's promotion of the United Negro Improvement Association? (See Document 23-3: The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism and Document 23-5: Marcus Garvey Explains the Goals of the Universal Negro Improvement Association)
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