Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 27

Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 27


1. Why did Edith M. Stern call the American housewife the “Forgotten Worker”? (See Document 27-1: Edith M. Stern Attacks the Domestic Bondage of Women).


Correct. The answer is c. Edith Stern called American housewives the “Forgotten Worker” because they had not received any of the New Deal benefits industrial workers had won.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Edith Stern called the American housewife the “Forgotten Worker” because they had not received any of the New Deal benefits industrial workers had won.


2. According to Vance Packard, how did the new affluence of the American consumer society affect Americans' relationship with class and status? (See Document 27-2: Vance Packard Analyzes the Age of Affluence).


Correct. The answer is a. Americans responded to the new affluence of the nation's growing consumer society with an ever keener search for ways to display their social status and judge that of others.
Incorrect. The answer is a. Americans responded to the new affluence of the nation's growing consumer society with an ever keener search for ways to display their social status and judge that of others.


3. Why did it appear to George E. McMillan in 1960 that a gradual phasing out of Jim Crow segregation was unlikely to take place in the South?


Correct. The answer is d. It appeared to George E. McMillan in 1960 that a gradual phasing out of Jim Crow segregation was unlikely to take place because Southern whites were adamantly opposed to any changes in their social order.
Incorrect. The answer is d. It appeared to George E. McMillan in 1960 that a gradual phasing out of Jim Crow segregation was unlikely to take place because Southern whites were adamantly opposed to any changes in their social order.


4. How did the North Dakota Civil Defense Agency instill local residents with confidence in their survival? (See Document 27-4: Civil Defense in the Nuclear Shadow).


Correct. The answer is c. The plan of the North Dakota Civil Defense Agency identified farmers' root cellars and basements in ordinary homes as possible shelters, giving local residents a sense of control and confidence if war were to break out.
Incorrect. The answer is c. The plan of the North Dakota Civil Defense Agency identified farmers' root cellars and basements in ordinary homes as possible shelters, giving local residents a sense of control and confidence if war were to break out.


5. What dangers did the military industrial complex pose for the nation's universities, according to President Dwight D. Eisenhower? (See Document 27-5: President Dwight D. Eisenhower Warns about the Military-Industrial Complex).


Correct. The answer is c. Eisenhower warned in his description of the expanding military industrial complex that American universities were becoming too dependent on funds from the Department of Defense.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Eisenhower warned in his description of the expanding military industrial complex that American universities were becoming too dependent on funds from the Department of Defense.


6. What key difference separated Vance Packard's view of American society from the South that George E. McMillan described? (See Document 27-2: Vance Packard Analyzes the Age of Affluence and Document 27-3: George E. McMillan Reports on Racial Conditions in the South in 1960).


Correct. The answer is c. Packard focused on Americans' obsession with class, whereas McMillan identified race as the central social division.
Incorrect. The answer is c. Packard focused on Americans' obsession with class, whereas McMillan identified race as the central social division.


7. What sentiment pervades both the civil defense plan from North Dakota and President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address on the military-industrial complex? (See Document 27-4: Civil Defense in the Nuclear Shadow and Document 27-5: President Dwight D. Eisenhower Warns about the Military-Industrial Complex).


Correct. The answer is a. Both the civil defense plan from North Dakota and Eisenhower's farewell address convey the sentiment that the Cold War compromised the freedom and prosperity of postwar American society.
Incorrect. The answer is a. Both the civil defense plan from North Dakota and Eisenhower's farewell address convey the sentiment that the Cold War compromised the freedom and prosperity of postwar American society.