Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 28
1. Which of the following did students in the new left organization "Students for a Democratic Society" see as a significant social problem? (See Document 28-1: New Left Students Seek Democratic Social Change)
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D. |
2. Why did Martin Luther King Jr. want to spark a crisis through organized nonviolent direct action? (See Document 28-2: Martin Luther King Jr. Explains Nonviolent Resistance)
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C. |
D. |
3. How did Alabama's George C. Wallace characterize the Civil Rights Act of 1964? (See Document 28-3: George C. Wallace Denounces the Civil Rights Movement )
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D. |
4. Why did SNCC predict that "the black man in the ghetto" would lead the Black Power Movement? (See Document 28-4: Black Power)
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D. |
5. What position did the National Organization for Women take on the appointment of women to high level positions in government and industry in its 1966 statement? (See Document 28-5: Equal Rights for Women)
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D. |
6. What opinion did the activists of SNCC and George C. Wallace hold in common? (See Document 28-3: George C. Wallace Denounces the Civil Rights Movement and Document 28-4: Black Power)
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D. |
7. What objections would NOW members have raised against the leaflet of the Chicago Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee? (See Document 28-4: Black Power and Document 28-5: Equal Rights for Women)
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B. |
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