Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 29
1. How did President John F. Kennedy respond to Bobbie Lou Pendergrass's question about why Americans were in Vietnam? (See Document 29-1: President Kennedy Explains Why We Are in Vietnam)
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2. Which of the following did Robert S. McNamara list as an argument that the war in Vietnam was going well for the United States? (See Document 29-2: A Secret Government Assessment of the Vietnam War)
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3. Which of the following disciplinary problems in the United States armed forces were entirely new in the Vietnam War? (See Document 29-3: Military Discipline in an Unpopular War)
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4. Why did Arthur E. Woodley Jr. say that he became an animal in Vietnam? (See Document 29-4: An American Soldier in Vietnam)
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5. According to Kerry, what was the significance of the "crimes which we are committing" in Vietnam? (See Document 29-5: John Kerry Denounces the Vietnam War)
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6. What did Arthur E. Woodley Jr. and John Kerry have in common? (See Document 29-4: An American Soldier in Vietnam and Document 29-5: John Kerry Denounces the Vietnam War)
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7. What continuity exists between John F. Kennedy's letter from 1963 and Robert S. McNamara's assessment from 1966? (See Document 29-1: President Kennedy Explains Why We Are in Vietnam and Document 29-2: A Secret Government Assessment of the Vietnam War)
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