APA documentation: reference list

The student has summarized information from the article “Patterns of Parent-Reported Homework Problems among ADHD-referred and Non-referred Children.” The article was written by Thomas J. Power, Branlyn E. Werba, Marley W. Watkins, Jennifer G. Angelucci, and Ricardo B. Eiraldi, and it appeared on pages 13-33 of volume 21, issue 1, of School Psychology Quarterly in 2006. The journal is paginated continuously throughout the volume.

  • image Power, T. J., Werba, B. E., Watkins, M. W., Angelucci, J. G., & Eiraldi, R. B. (2006). Patterns of parent-reported homework problems among ADHD-referred and non-referred children. School Psychology Quarterly, 21.
  • image Power, T. J., Werba, B. E., Watkins, M. W., Angelucci, J. G., & Eiraldi, R. B. (2006). Patterns of parent-reported homework problems among ADHD-referred and non-referred children. School Psychology Quarterly, 21, 13-33.
  • In an APA reference list entry, the complete range of pages is given for a journal article.