EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language

EXERCISE 17–9Sexist language

Click on Sexist if the sentence contains sexist language or on OK if the sentence is acceptable.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)

1 of 10


Many argue that we are doomed if we do not stop producing nuclear weapons.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 1 of 10: Many argue that we are doomed if we do not stop producing nuclear weapons.

2 of 10


Asha Purpura, who is a doctor’s wife, is the defense attorney appointed by the court. Al Jones has been assigned to work with her on the case.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 2 of 10: Asha Purpura, who is a doctor’s wife, is the defense attorney appointed by the court. Al Jones has been assigned to work with her on the case.

3 of 10


A secretary must be willing to sacrifice some of her spare time in the evenings and on the weekends if she expects to advance in this company.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 3 of 10: A secretary must be willing to sacrifice some of her spare time in the evenings and on the weekends if she expects to advance in this company.

4 of 10


Because Dr. Edward Brown and Dr. Judith Coombs were the senior professors in the department, they were elected to serve on the promotion committee.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 4 of 10: Because Dr. Edward Brown and Dr. Judith Coombs were the senior professors in the department, they were elected to serve on the promotion committee.

5 of 10


After being elected, a new senator must wait several months before beginning his term.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 5 of 10: After being elected, a new senator must wait several months before beginning his term.

6 of 10


In my hometown, the lady mayor has led the fight for a fair share of federal funds for new schools.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 6 of 10: In my hometown, the lady mayor has led the fight for a fair share of federal funds for new schools.

7 of 10


Often law students must be as concerned about their public speaking skills as they are about their knowledge of the law.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 7 of 10: Often law students must be as concerned about their public speaking skills as they are about their knowledge of the law.

8 of 10


John Crockett and Sarah Cooke have been an effective real estate team. John arranges attractive mortgage packages; Sarah, a former model, directs the sales staff.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 8 of 10: John Crockett and Sarah Cooke have been an effective real estate team. John arranges attractive mortgage packages; Sarah, a former model, directs the sales staff.

9 of 10


The man who makes history has no time to write about it.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 9 of 10: The man who makes history has no time to write about it.

10 of 10


A young graduate who is careful about investments can accumulate a significant sum in a relatively short period.


EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language - 10 of 10: A young graduate who is careful about investments can accumulate a significant sum in a relatively short period.