EXERCISE 60–6 Integrating sources in APA papers

EXERCISE 60–6Integrating sources in APA papers

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample uses the source correctly. If the student has made an error in using the source, click on Error; if the student sample is correct, click on OK.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


Like everyone else, teachers learn through experience, but they learn without much guidance. One problem, of course, is that experience, especially the kind that is both repetitious and disappointing, can easily harden into narrow pedagogical theories. Most schools have a teacher with a theory built on grudges. This teacher knows that there is just one way to conduct a lesson; she blames the children and their parents if the children don’t catch on; she has a list of types and makes her students fit them; and she prides herself on her realism—most children come to school, she knows, to give her a hard time. Current research holds that most teachers get set in their ways, both their good and bad ones, after about four years of learning by experience. Many teachers don’t last that long.

From Kidder, T. (1989). Among schoolchildren. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

[The source passage is from page 51.]

1 of 5


According to Kidder, “teachers learn through experience, but they learn without much guidance” (1989, p. 51).


EXERCISE 60–6 3-6 Integrating sources in APA papers - 1 of 5: According to Kidder, “teachers learn through experience, but they learn without much guidance” (1989, p. 51).

2 of 5


Kidder (1989) argued that teaching experience, “especially the kind that is repetitious and disappointing, easily hardens into narrow pedagogical theories” (p. 51).


EXERCISE 60–6 3-6 Integrating sources in APA papers - 2 of 5: Kidder (1989) argued that teaching experience, “especially the kind that is repetitious and disappointing, easily hardens into narrow pedagogical theories” (p. 51).

3 of 5


Kidder (1989) has noted, “Current research holds that most teachers get set in their ways, both their good and bad ones, after about four years of learning by experience” (p. 51).


EXERCISE 60–6 3-6 Integrating sources in APA papers - 3 of 5: Kidder (1989) has noted, “Current research holds that most teachers get set in their ways, both their good and bad ones, after about four years of learning by experience” (p. 51).

4 of 5


In the view of Kidder (1989), it’s not unusual for a teacher “with a theory built on grudges” (p. 51).


EXERCISE 60–6 3-6 Integrating sources in APA papers - 4 of 5: In the view of Kidder (1989), it’s not unusual for a teacher “with a theory built on grudges” (p. 51).

5 of 5


Most teachers gain experience on the job and develop rigid habits and theories after as few as four years. “Many teachers don’t last that long” (Kidder, 1989, p. 51).


EXERCISE 60–6 3-6 Integrating sources in APA papers - 5 of 5: Most teachers gain experience on the job and develop rigid habits and theories after as few as four years. “Many teachers don’t last that long” (Kidder, 1989, p. 51).