Write an argument paragraph or essay on one of the following topics or on one of your own choice. For help, refer to “Checklist: How to Write Argument.”
Take a position on a controversial issue on your campus. If you need help coming up with topics, you might consult the campus newspaper.
Argue for or against the use of standardized tests or placement tests. Make sure to research different positions on the tests to support your argument and address opposing views. One Web site you might consult is standardizedtests.procon.org.
Argue for something that you would like to get at work, such as a promotion, a raise, or a flexible schedule. Explain why you deserve what you are asking for, and give specific examples.
Argue for an improvement in your workplace, such as the addition of a bike rack, new chairs in the break room, or a place to swap books or magazines. Make sure your request is reasonable in cost and will be beneficial to a significant number of employees.
Take a position on a controversial issue in your community.
Choose a community organization that you belong to, and write about why it is important. Try to persuade your readers to join.