Use Order of Importance to Emphasize a Particular Point

Use order of importance to arrange points according to their significance, interest, or surprise value. Usually, save the most important point for last.


People who keep guns in their homes risk endangering both themselves and others. Many accidental injuries occur when a weapon is improperly stored or handled. For example, someone cleaning a closet where a loaded gun is stored may handle the gun in a way that causes it to go off and injure him or her. Guns also feature in many reports of “crimes of passion.” A couple with a violent history has a fight, and, in a fit of rage, one gets the gun and shoots the other, wounding or killing the other person. Most common and most tragic are incidents in which children find loaded guns and play with them, accidentally killing themselves or their playmates. Considering these factors, the risks of keeping guns in the home outweigh the advantages, for many people.