Checklist: Questions for Peer Reviewers


Questions for Peer Reviewers

  • What is the main point?
  • Can I do anything to make my opening more interesting?
  • Do I have enough support for my main point? Where could I use more?
  • Where could I use more details?
  • Are there places where you have to stop and reread something to understand it? If so, where?
  • Do I give my reader clues as to where a new point starts? Does one point “flow” smoothly to the next?
  • What about my conclusion? Does it just fade out? How could I make my point more forcefully?
  • Where else could the paper be better? What would you do if it were your paper?
  • If you were going to be graded on this paper, would you turn it in as is? If not, why not?
  • What other comments or suggestions do you have?