CHAPTER 25 Test Your Knowledge


How are the bodies of living organisms organized?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographic 25.1, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


Compare and contrast anatomy and physiology.

Organize the following terms on the basis of level of structure, from the simplest (1) to the most complex (4).

_________________ Small intestine

_________________ Mucus-secreting cell of the small intestine

_________________ Digestive system

_________________ The layer of muscle that contributes to the function of the small intestine


An emergency room doctor setting a complex bone fracture is relying primarily on knowledge of

a. anatomy.

b. physiology.

c. thermoregulation.

d. homeostasis.

e. osmoregulation.

Is a personal trainer who works with clients to help them lose weight through a combination of diet and exercise focusing primarily on anatomy or physiology? Explain your answer.

Why is the heart considered an organ and not a tissue?


How do humans and other organisms regulate body temperature?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographics 25.2, 25.3, and 25.4, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


What is homeostasis?

How does brown fat contribute to thermoregulation in bats?

a. by providing insulation to retain heat

b. by providing a highly vascularized tissue to release heat to the environment

c. by generating heat through shivering

d. by generating heat via cellular respiration in specialized mitochondria

e. b and d

Describe the feedback loop involved in thermoregulation in cold conditions. Use the following terms in your answer: hypothalamus, sensor, muscle, effector, low body temperature, normal body temperature.


How could damage to the hypothalamus prevent shivering even if the core body temperature drops dramatically?

Why is glucagon released as part of the response to a drop in body temperature?

Name two or three physiological responses that could help the body dissipate heat during exertion on a hot day. For each mechanism that you propose, explain how it would dissipate heat.


What physiological systems are regulated by homeostatic feedback loops?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographics 25.5 and 25.6, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


What internal signals are associated with dehydration?

a. high osmolarity

b. low blood volume

c. low blood pressure

d. all of the above

e. a and b

People who are severely dehydrated produce ____________ urine that is ____________.

a. a high volume of; highly concentrated and dark in color

b. a high volume of; dilute and light in color

c. a low volume of; highly concentrated and dark in color

d. a low volume of; dilute and light in color

e. a normal volume; a normal color (neither very light nor very dark)

Insulin is released from the ______________ in response to ______________.

a. pancreas; elevated blood sugar

b. pancreas; low levels of blood sugar

c. hypothalamus; elevated blood sugar

d. hypothalamus; low levels of blood sugar

e. pituitary; signals from the hypothalamus


What conditions might cause high levels of insulin in the bloodstream? What events would follow?

Tibetan Sherpas, many of whom serve as guides and rescuers on Everest, often do not require bottled oxygen to reach the summit. Why might Tibetans, who have lived at high elevations for many generations, have an easier time than others with hypoxia? (Think about both short-term and long-term changes.)


Hypertension (high blood pressure) has been diagnosed in a 65-year-old woman. She needs medication that will return her blood pressure to normal (and safe) levels. Her doctor tells her that there are two main categories of drugs for hypertension: thiazides, a type of diuretic, and ACE inhibitors, which help relax blood vessels and prevent their constriction. Explain how both of these could reduce blood pressure.


Jonas and Jennifer have abnormal fasting glucose levels in their blood. They each had a blood test to measure the levels of insulin in their blood (also measured after fasting). Their blood values for both glucose and insulin are shown in the table below. From the data shown, is Jonas or Jennifer more likely to have type 2 diabetes (which is characterized by an inability of cells to respond to insulin)? Which of them is more likely to have type 1 diabetes (which results from a failure of insulin production)? Be sure you can explain all of their blood test results.


The U.S. National Park Service has to rescue stranded hikers, often at great expense. Do you think that hikers’ level of preparation should be a factor in determining whether or not they should bear the cost of their rescue? What factors would you consider to determine whether or not a hiker was adequately prepared? Give a physiological reason for each factor that you propose.