The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is tasked with regulating nuclear power in the United States and “protecting people and the environment.” The members of the commission “formulate policies, develop regulations governing nuclear reactor and nuclear material safety, issue orders to licensees, and adjudicate legal matters” ( The NRC maintains a detailed website with information about nuclear power plants and nuclear materials.
Evaluate the website and work with the information to answer the following questions:
1. Is this a reliable information source? Does the organization have a clear and transparent agenda?
Who runs the website? Do this person’s/group’s credentials make the information reliable or unreliable?
Is the information on the website up to date? When was the website last updated? Explain.
Go to the NRC’s Facilities page ( Find your state in the list of states and territories.
2. How many nuclear sites are active in your state? How many nuclear sites are being decommissioned? (Select another state if yours does not have any nuclear sites.)
3. Click on a link for an active nuclear site.
Identify the location of this facility, the type of reactor in use, and the intended expiration date. Find the location on a map and record the closest large body of water.
Look at the links provided (e.g., “Severe Accident Inspections” and “Enforcement Actions”) to assess the impact of this facility on the environment and describe the environmental issues associated with the site (if any), and the plan of action to correct the issues.
4. Consider the information you have gathered and do a basic risk assessment analysis for one of the sites.
Do you think the facility is a danger to the environment? To human health? Why or why not?
Is the facility located in an area that may have natural disasters? If so, what are they? If a natural disaster were to occur, predict some outcomes.
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