Environmental justice requires engaged citizens.

Energized by their successful riverside park project, Carter and her neighbors formed a nonprofit called the Sustainable South Bronx (SSBx). The group immediately set its sights on an even grander vision: They would create a greenbelt around the entire community— 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) of waterfront greenway, 5 hectares (12 acres) of new waterfront open space, and 14 kilometers (8.5 miles) of green streets (with landscaped medians)— all connected by an interlinking system of bike and pedestrian pathways that stretched from the Hunts Point Riverside Park, around the South Bronx’s winding edges, all the way to the existing 160-hectare (400-acre) park on Randall’s Island. They would also disassemble the Sheridan Expressway and turn it into 11 hectares (28 acres) of additional parkland, some of which they would designate as conservation easements—tracts of land that the city would agree not to develop.

It was an ambitious agenda indeed—an expensive one, too—and would require the support of administrators and elected officials from the Bronx to Manhattan to the state capital in Albany. “There is a big fear that environmental justice is fiscally irresponsible,” says Carter. “People running the city think ‘How can we spend money on parks when we’re coming up short on schools, and clinics, and job training, and health care?’ What they don’t realize is that parks can actually help with those things, too.” Parks not only increase community pride but also create green jobs and improve health.

Convincing community members of these benefits would prove as difficult as convincing legislators. Getting them to come out and oppose a landfill was one thing; area residents knew all too well what another trash heap would do to their neighborhood. But getting them to support a park? They had more pressing concerns. Theirs was the poorest congressional district in the city; at the time, more than 20% of residents were unemployed. And their neighborhood hadn’t had a waterfront park in more than 60 years, let alone an entire greenway. Why bother now? “We’d ask people, ‘What would you like to see in your neighborhood?’ and they really didn’t have an answer,” Rodriguez says. “They’d never been asked that question before. It was as if having parks was too far in the future for them.”

In fact, the SSBx vision folded readily into a growing movement aimed at making cities more environmentally friendly and socially equitable. New Urbanism, as the movement is called, maintains that cities (both now and in the future) have the capacity to reduce our per-person ecological footprint, even as they improve the quality of life for people, provided they are designed properly. The City University of New York Institute for Research on the City Environment estimates that if a city is designed and built with an eye toward sustainability, the ecological footprint of any given urban dweller could be trimmed to about half that of the average American.

New Urbanism

A movement that promotes the creation of compact, mixed-use communities with all the amenities of day-to-day living close by and accessible.


Engaged citizens can help revitalize neglected or damaged areas, improving their own community and helping to reduce urban flight and sprawl.

On top of the carbon savings, the consensus emerging from environmentalists, sociologists, and economists is that the future lies in cities—where most people will live and perhaps where most people should live. Cities promote interaction among a diverse group of people. This in turn promotes the exchange of ideas and lessens cultural and economic barriers. Many cities around the world are pursuing sustainable development and paving the way for others to do the same. INFOGRAPHIC 25.5


Many cities of the world are taking steps to develop more sustainably in an effort to improve their local environments and their standards of living. Green cities have many things in common, such as recognizing the importance of civic involvement, having a government commitment to sustainable development, and pursuing a holistic approach that looks at all the ways the city can reduce its ecological footprint while still developing and growing. While there are many others, here are some notable examples.

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What steps would you recommend that your own city or community take in an effort to reduce its ecological footprint? Justify your answer.

Answers will vary but should be supported.