From Susan Karr...

I’ve discovered that an undertaking this big is truly a collaborative effort. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you work with talented and highly skilled people. I want to thank Jerry Correa for his original vision for the book and personal support and W. H. Freeman acquisitions editor Bill Minick for his continued support and guidance; and developmental editor Andrea Gawrylewski for her patience, insights, and outstanding editorial skills in crafting each chapter. I also want to thank Jeneen Interlandi, the accomplished and gifted writer who has made these chapters such a pleasure to read. Outstanding writing was also done by Alison McCook and Melinda Wenner Moyer. I gratefully acknowledge the entire team at MGMT. design for their skills, vision, and patience, and the folks at Cenveo who expertly coordinated the production of the book. Thanks also go to John Britch, the executive marketing manager, and the sales force, who work tirelessly to see that the book is a success in the marketplace

I’ve had tremendous support from my biology department colleagues at Carson-Newman University and from focus group participants, who offered advice, answered questions, and helped track down elusive information—thanks for sharing your expertise. In particular, long-time environmental science instructors Teri Balser, Shamili Sandiford, and Lissa Leege helped develop the original roadmap for the book and Michelle Cawthorn’s insightful advice guided much of the revision of this second edition. I also owe a debt of gratitude to my environmental science students over the years for their questions, interests, demands, and passion for learning that have always challenged and inspired me. Finally, I want to thank my husband, Steve, for supporting me in so many different ways it is impossible to count them all.

From Jeneen Interlandi...

Each of these chapters is a story—of scientists and everyday people, often doing extraordinary things. It has been my great pleasure to tell those stories here. For that, I thank each and every one of my sources. Their time and patience are what made this book possible.

I would also like to thank Susan, with whom it has been an honor to work, and the entire W. H. Freeman team for their tireless efforts.