Classroom activities, animations, tutorials, and assessment materials are all built around the concepts and skills that are most difficult for students to master

LaunchPad A new standard in online course management, LaunchPad makes it easier than ever to create interactive assignments, track online homework, and access a wealth of extraordinary teaching and learning tools. Fully loaded with our customizable e-Book and all student and instructor resources, the LaunchPad is organized around a series of prebuilt LaunchPad units— carefully curated, ready-to-use collections of material for each chapter of Environmental Science for a Changing World.

Scientific American newsfeed Available on the LaunchPad welcome page, the Scientific American newsfeed allows you and your students to access current and relevant content from Scientific American. You can also choose to assign the articles or bookmark them for later.


Optimized Art (JPEGs and layered PowerPoint slides) Infographics are optimized for projection in large lecture halls and split apart for effective presentation.

Layered or Active PowerPoint Slides PowerPoint slides for select figures deconstruct key concepts, sequences, and processes in a step-by-step format, allowing instructors to present complex ideas in clear, manageable parts.

Lecture Outlines for PowerPoint Adjunct professors and instructors who are new to the discipline will appreciate these detailed companion lectures, perfect for walking students through the key ideas in each chapter. These rich, prebuilt lectures make it easy for instructors to transition to the book.

Team-Based Learning Activities Developed by author Susan Karr, these classroom activities use proven active-learning techniques to engage students in the material and inspire critical thinking. These activities are intended for an instructor who is interested in taking an active learning approach to the course.

Clicker Questions Designed as interactive in-class exercises, these questions reinforce core concepts and uncover misconceptions.

Story Abstracts The abstracts offer a brief story synopsis, providing interesting details relevant to the chapter and to the online resources not found in the book.


Learning Curve A game-like interface to guide students through a series of questions tailored to their individual level of understanding.

Videos A new suite of videos for the 2nd edition, including videos on Biodiversity, Climate Change, Human Populations, Energy (including Fracking), and more. Videos bring the stories of environmental science to life and make the materials meaningful to students. Each video is assignable and includes assessment questions to gauge student understanding.

Test Bank A collection of over a thousand questions, organized by chapter and Guiding Question, presented in a sortable, searchable platform. The Test Bank features multiple-choice and short-answer questions, and uses infographics and graphs from the book.

Post-Chapter Quizzes Post-Chapter quizzes are brief 5-10 question quizzes that test the students’ basic knowledge of the chapter. They are aligned to the new 2nd edition chapters and Guiding Questions.

Course Management System e-packs available for Blackboard, WebCT, and other course management platforms.