Student and instructor resources are arranged to support the learning goals of each chapter
Supplementary materials explore timely environmental issues, develop crucial science literacy skills such as data analysis and graph interpretation, and provide practice in evaluating sources of information
Student resources reinforce chapter concepts and give students the tools they need to succeed in the course. All student resources are organized by Guiding Questions and can be found in the LaunchPad.
LaunchPad Students have access to a variety of study tools in the LaunchPad along with a complete online version of the textbook. Carefully curated LaunchPad Units provide suggested learning paths for each chapter in the text.
Learning Curve This set of formative assessment activities uses a game-like interface to guide students through a series of questions tailored to their individual level of understanding. A personalized study plan is generated based upon their quiz results. LearningCurve is available to students in the LaunchPad.
GraphingTutorials let students build and analyze graphs, using their critical thinking skills to predict trends, identify bias, and make cause-and-effect connections.
Video Case Studies Videos from an array of trusted sources bring the stories of the book to life and allow students to apply their environmental, scientific, and information literacy skills. Each video includes questions that engage students in the critical thinking process.
Interactive Animated Infographics Most infographics in the text include an animated interactive tutorial or an infographic activity.
Key Term Flashcards Students can drill and learn the most important terms in each chapter using interactive flashcards.
Lecture Art Notebook The infographics for each chapter are available as PDF files that students can download and print before lectures.