icebergs, 412f

ice core, 416f

Antarctic Vostok, 415

Greenland Vikings and, 7, 8f

Iceland, Reykjanes Power Plant, 460f

Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP), 458–459

Iceland Vikings, 8–9

ice melt, 407, 409, 420f

IDDP. See Iceland Deep Drilling Project

igneous rocks, A–13

ignorance, appeal to, 56

IHME. See Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

immigration, 66

incinerators, 126, 127f

independent variable, 33, A–4


CDM program in, 486

coolant factories in, 483

population control in, 74

Indian Point Power Plant, 445

indicator species, 180, 246

individual, 142f

Indonesia, 221–222, 230f

indoor air pollution, 384, 394, 395

industrial agriculture, 303, 318, 328f

advantages and disadvantages of, 319–324

crop diversity and, 323

food quality and, 322

perks and problems of, 304f

industrial ecology, 132, 132f

Industrial Revolution, population growth and, 66–67

industrial waste, 122

reducing, 132

industry safety, 449f

infanticide, 75

infant mortality, poverty and, 74f

infant mortality rate, 68

definition, 69

demographic transition and, 71

infectious disease, 82

climate change and, 421

definition, 83

education campaigns and, 93

emerging, 87–88

environmental factors and, 87

in more developed countries, 95

inferences, 25

Page I-12

inferential statistics, A–11

infill development, 504

infiltration, 164–165, 264

information literacy, 20, 46

information sources, 47–48

insect pests, 419

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 97

instrumental value, 16, 224, 225

integrated pest management (IPM), 327, 329

Interface Carpet, 100, 100f, 115

carpet-recycling initiative, 105

ecological footprint of, 102

energy efficiency, 102

as green business, 111–112

“Mission Zero,” 105

recycled components used by, 106f

ReEntry 2.0, 105, 108–109

as “restorative enterprise,” 102

sustainability and, 101

TacTiles, 104–105, 112

intergenerational tyranny, 102

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 407, 423

internal cost, 105

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 243, 257t

International Wolf Center, 173

interpolation, A–6

intrinsic value, 16, 224, 225

Inuit, 9

invasive species, 201, 242f

in vitro studies, 51

of BPA, 50

in vivo studies, 51

of BPA, 50

IPAT model, 102–104, 105f

IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPM. See integrated pest management

irrigation, 322

isolation, 228, 229f

isotopes, 432, 432f

radiation released by, 439

IUCN. See International Union for Conservation of Nature

Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, 480f

ivory trade, 240, 252f, 253f

CITES and, 250

legal, 250

tracking, 246–247, 248f