landscape conservation, 246
land trusts, 254t
Larsen B Ice Shelf, 407
“late, few, long” mandate, 68
Law, Kara, 123, 130
law of conservation of matter, 121
environmental, 13–14
species protection, 249–252, 249t
zoning, 500
LD50, 54, 55
leachate, 124, 125f
lead, 390t
e-waste and, 129
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, 504, 509
LED. See light-emitting diode
LEED certification. See Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification
LEED-certified facilities, 115
length, measurements and units of measure, A–3
less developed countries
fertility rates in, 76
human health and, 90–91
more developed countries compared with, 91
population in, 68–69, 69f
solid waste disposal, 127
organization of, 142f
range of tolerance for, 148f
life cycle, of products, 109
life-cycle analysis (waste), 130–132
life expectancy, 64, 65
life-history strategies, 166, 168f
light-emitting diode (LED), 465, 466f
limiting factors, 147, 166
linear (one-way) system, 108f
line graphs
interpolation and extrapolation, A–6
interpreting data, A–6
producing, A–4–A–5
lithosphere, A–12, A–13
Little Emperors, 64, 77
Little Ice Age, 8
livestock, 319–320, 320f
CAFOs and, 320, 323
rotation method grazing of, 326f
Living Planet Report, 102
LLRW. See low-level radioactive waste
logging, 420–421
logical fallacies, 55–57
logistic growth, 165
exponential growth and, 166f
Los Angeles, California, 382f
air quality in, 382
smog in, 383
Lovelock, James, 28
low-level radioactive waste (LLRW), 440, 441
Loxodonta africana africana. See savanna elephant
Loxodonta africana cyclotis. See forest elephant
lungs, air pollution and, 387, 389–392
Lyme disease, 84, 222–223