N2. See nitrogen
N2O. See nitrous oxide
NaCl. See sodium chloride
Nadeau, Kari, 389, 391, 394
Nagasaki, Japan, 437
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 473–474, 476t
process, 475f
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 24
National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 477
National Toxicology Program (NTP), 44
natural capital, 102, 104f
natural gas, 360–379
conventional reserves of, 364–367
definition, 362
formation of, 363f
fracking for, 371f
proven reserves, 364, 364f
unconventional reserves of, 365, 369–372, 373f
wells, 365–366, 366f
natural interest, 102, 104f
natural resources, 104f
as finite, 107, 157
nonrenewable, 12, 362
substitutes for, 107
natural sciences, 5
natural selection, 201–202, 203f
sustainability of, 111
waste in, 130
nature-based recreation, 223–224
parks, 501–502
NCDs. See noncommunicable diseases
negative correlation, A–7
negative feedback loop, 412
Nelson, Chuck, 340
NEPA. See National Environmental Policy Act
Ness, Ron, 372
net primary productivity (NPP), 182
neuston layer, 120
neuston net, 120, 121f
neutrons, 432
Newman, Paul, 30–31, 35
New Urbanism, 502
New York City, 492, 497. See also Bronx, New York City
NH3. See ammonia
niche, 142, 143, 143f, 184
Niger, population growth, 67f
Nigeria, 82f
GWD in, 82, 94
nitrate (NO3), 152
nitric oxide (NO), 382
nitrogen (N2)
agricultural runoff and, 287, 289f
fixation, 152
in soil, 157t
water pollution, 284–286
nitrogen cycle, 151, 152f
in Biosphere 2, 152
definition, 152
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), 382
nitrogen oxides (NOx), 35, 390t
nitrous oxide (N2O)
greenhouse effect and, 410
Kyoto Protocol and regulation of, 483
NO. See nitric oxide
NO2. See nitrogen dioxide
NO3. See nitrate
NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), 86–87
nondegradable, definition, 122
nonpoint source pollution, 281–282, 283f, 389
lawns and, 290, 292
nonprofit organizations, 254t
nonrenewable resources, 12, 362
North Anna Nuclear Power Plant, 445
North Dakota. See also Bakken formation
Bakken boom in, 372
fracking in, 376f
oil boom in, 362, 362f, 376f
Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan, 162
North Woods of Minnesota, 402f, 404, 404f
climate change and, 405–406, 424–425
tourism in, 419–420
tree migration in, 418
NOx. See nitrogen oxides
NPP. See net primary productivity
NRC. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRDC. See National Resources Defense Council
NTP. See National Toxicology Program
nuclear accidents, 437–439
Chernobyl reactor meltdown, 437
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 428–446
impact of, 443–444
responding to, 440–443
Three Mile Island plant, 437
nuclear energy
critics of, 436
definition, 430
future of, 445–446
history of, 436–437
proponents of, 436
nuclear fission, 430
reaction, 435
reactors, 438
nuclear fuel production, 434
nuclear power, 428–449
future energy and, 444–445
NRC regulation of, 449
trade-offs of, 446t
nuclear power plants
safety of, 436–437
safety procedures for, 445–446
shutdowns of Japanese, 444–445
water for, 435–436
nuclear reactions, harnessing heat of, 430–436
nuclear reactors, 436, 438f
third-generation, 445
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 443
nuclear power regulated by, 449
nuclear waste, generation of, 439–440
Nuclear Waste Policy Act, U.S., 440
nutrient cycles, 138–157
in Biosphere 2, 149
definition, 143
in ecosystems, 149–154
human impact on, 155
nutrient pollution, 286, 305f
nutrient runoff
impact of, 288
in Mississippi River, 288
Nuttall, William, 445