Paarlberg, Robert, 305–309
Pacala, Stephen, 421–422
packaging, waste and, 133
PAHs. See polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
palm oil
plantation, 221f, 231f
rainforest and, 220
sustainable, 233–235
trade-offs of, 234t
use of, 228
parasitism, 190, 190f
parks, 501–502
particulate matter (PM), 386, 387, 401
passive solar technologies, 457
pathogens, 82
classes of, 88f
definition, 83
disease-causing, 88f
exposure to, 83–84
waterborne, 84
water pollution through, 290
payback time, 458, 459
PCBs, bioaccumulation of, 128
peak oil, 365, 365f
peer review, 29, 46
percentages/frequencies, A–2
perennial crops, 334
perfluorocarbons (PFCs), 483
performance standards, 473
permit trading, 397
persistence, 47–48
of BPA, 49
persistent chemicals, 44, 45
pesticides, 45, 318
Bt crops and, 309–310
monoculture and use of, 321
residue on foods, 319, 333f
resistance to, 321, 322f
climate change and insect, 419
IPM, 329
pesticide-resistant, 322f
Peterson, Justin, 154f
petrochemicals, 367
PFCs. See perfluorocarbons
algal blooms and, 286f
water pollution, 284–286
phosphorus cycle, 151, 153f
in Biosphere 2, 152–153
photosynthesis, 282
carbon cycles and, 150f
UV-B exposure and, 36
photovoltaic (PV) cells, 456, 457f
physical hazards, 84, 85f
phytoplankton blooms, 278f
pie charts, A–7
pied flycatchers, climate change and, 418
Pierrehumbert, Raymond T., 374–375, 377
Pimm, Stuart, 228
pioneer species, 192
pipe filters, 83f, 95
plastics, 122
aquatic life and, 128, 128f, 137, 137t
degradation of, 126
in oceans, 120, 124, 137
recycling, 134f
PM. See particulate matter
poaching, 241
conservation genetics and, 248f
of elephants, 240, 241f
point source pollution, 280–281, 283f, 290, 389
polar jet stream, 407
policy, 36. See also environmental policy
agricultural, 303, 312
environmental health hazards and, 93t
pollution tax, 113
policy change, 19
ozone depletion, 39
policy tools, 478–483
political lobbying, 476–479
pollution, 10, 242f. See also specific types of pollution
air, 380–401
coal emission, 350–355
EPA’s regulation of, 401
incinerator, 126
manufacturing, 108
“permits,” 113
solid waste, 127–129
standards, 289–290
taxing, 113
U.S. and, 19
polyculture, 325, 332, 334
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 388
polymer-based products, 133f
population, 142, 142f. See also human
definition, 143, 160
divergence of, 206–208
ecologically effective, 162
minimum viable, 161
natural selection and, 201–202
population change, 209f
in K-selected species, 168
in r-selected species, 168
understanding factors influencing, 173
population control, 11–12, 66–67
in Brazil, 74
in India, 74
one child policy, 62–77
programs, 72–73
population densities, 66, 162
population distribution, 66f, 161–163, 163f
population dynamics, 161
population ecology, 158–175
population growth, 164–166
factors affecting, 166–169
rate of, 164
population momentum, 66, 67
population size, 161–163
density-dependent factors affecting, 167f
density-independent factors affecting, 167f
fluctuations over time of, 169f
growth factors and, 171f
resistance factors and, 171f
positive correlation, A–7
positive feedback loops, 410–411
examples of, 411–412
potable, definition, 268
air pollution and, 391–392
cause of death and, 92
food self-sufficiency and, 313
infant mortality and, 74f
Powers, Charles, 436, 440, 445
Poynter, Jayne, 149, 154
precautionary principle, 36, 46, 422
environmental policy and, 476
precipitation, 262–263
changes in, 409
predation, 189, 190f
Predator Control Programs, 162
importance of, 169–172
preservation of, 173
prediction, 29
prenatal exposure to air pollution, 388–389
pressurized water reactor (PWR), 438
prey, 169
primary air pollutants, 385, 386f
primary sources, 46, 47
primary succession, 192
producers, 150, 180, 181
product economy, service economy versus, 113f
pronatalist pressures, 68, 71, 74f
Proskurowski, Giora, 120, 121f, 129
protected areas, 250f, 251, 251f
protons, 432
protozoa, 88f
proven reserves of oil and natural gas, 364, 364f
public health, 85
programs, 84–88, 86f
PV cells. See photovoltaic cells
PWR. See pressurized water reactor