Rabalais, Nancy, 280f, 282
alpha, 439, 439f
beta, 439, 439f
Fukushima and levels of, 444
gamma, 439, 439f
radioactive isotopes and, 439
UV, 26–27, 33
radiative forcer, 410
radioactive, definition, 432
radioactive decay, 433
radioactive half-life, 432–433
radioactive waste, 439–441
RAFT. See Renewing America’s Food Traditions
rain barrels, 275
rainforest, 219f
biodiversity of, 220–221
palm oil industry and, 220
tropical, 144f, 145f, 157, 157t, 230f
Rainforest Action Network, 235
Rainforest Alliance, 157
Rajala, Jack, 421
Rallus owstoni. See Guam rail
random distribution, 162–163, 163f
range, A–10
range of tolerance, 147
for environmental factors, 148f
for life, 148f
receptors, 53
reclamation, 355–357, 355f
recycling, 126f, 134f, 135
curbside, 137
Interface Carpet, 105
water, 272
red herring, 56
redlining, 499
Red List of Threatened Species, 243, 243f, 257t
reduce, 133, 134f
reduced-tillage cultivation, 328, 331
ReEntry 2.0, 105, 108–109
refuse, 133, 134f
Reich, Peter, 425
reintroducing species, 162
reintroduction programs, 245
Reliford, Derrick, 388f
remediation, 246
renewable energy, 11–12, 450–469. See also specific types of renewable energy
diversification in, 458
fossil fuels compared with, 461
sustainability and, 452–453
trade-offs of, 463t
true cost of, 461–464
use of, 454f
using, 467
Renewing America’s Food Traditions (RAFT), 337
replacement fertility rate, 71
replication, 26
reservoirs, 149, 268, 270
residence times, 149
resilience, 184
resistance factors, 164, 166f
population size and, 171f
resistance forestry, 421
resource partitioning, 190, 190f
resource use, 10, 133
in biomes, 157
China’s, 117f
population and, 76, 77
in tropical rainforest, 157
U.S.’s, 117f
wealth inequality and, 15
restoration ecology, 191
reuse, 133, 134f, 135
Revelstoke Dam, British Columbia, 271f
Reykjanes Power Plant, Iceland, 460f
rice farming, 316f
agroecology in, 325, 325f
azolla and, 318–319, 324
conventional, 318
ducks and, 324–327, 327f, 334
fish and, 324–325
traditional, 324
ringworm, 88f
riparian areas, 290, 291f
risk assessment, 45
safe exposure levels and, 58
Ritz, Beate, 388–389
road salt, 297
Rock, Channah, 274
rock cycle, A–13
rock pocket mouse (Chaetodipus intermedius), 204
Rodgers, James, 178, 192
Rodriguez, Marta, 499, 502
roofing, green, 506–507
rotation method grazing, 326f
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), 234
Rowland, Sherwood, 28
r-selected species, 166
characteristics of, 168f
population changes in, 168
RSPO. See Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Ruiz-Tiben, Ernesto, 82, 84–85, 89
runoff pollution, 284–285. See also agricultural runoff
fertilizer, 289f
nutrient, 288
road salt, 297
run-of-the-river hydroelectric system, 461, 462f