Safe Chemical Acts of 2013, 59

safe dose, 54

safe drinking water, 82

Safe Drinking Water Act, 95

safe exposure levels

risk assessment and, 58

to toxic substances, 47–52

Salas, Tony, 200f


AquAdvantage, 308

Grand Coulee Dam and, 461

saltwater intrusion, 265–266

Sambanthamurthi, Raviga, 233

sample size, A–10, A–11

Samsø Island, Denmark, 450–469, 452f, 467f

becoming sustainable, 453–456

energy conservation on, 465–466

residents’ shares in renewable energy on, 458f, 461, 463–464

solar energy on, 456f

wind turbines, 450f, 452, 453f

San Francisco, California, 503f

sanitary landfills, 124, 125f

sanitation, 93t

Sargent, Brandon, 114f

savanna, 145f

savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana), 248

Savidge, Julie, 200–201, 201f, 205

scatter plots, A–7

Schindler, David, 374

science, 24, 25

certainty in, 31

science literacy, 20, 39

scientific method, 29, 30

scientific notation, A–2

scientific process, 30

sea levels, rising, 407, 409, 412f

secondary air pollutants, 385, 386f

secondary sources, 46, 47

secondary succession, 193

sedimentary rocks, A–13

sediment pollution, 282

seed banks, 323, 323f

seed exchanges, 312, 312f

seed-sharing, 312

selective pressure, 202

evolution and, 210

service economy, 112, 113f

settling ponds, 297

sewage water, 260, 266

sex ratio, 66

one-child policy and, 73–74

sex-selective abortion, 75

shale, kerogen, 372

shale formations, 362–364

Eagle Ford shale, 374

Marcellus Shale, 371–372

shale oil, 372

sheet flow, 180

shellfish, contaminated, 49f

Silent Spring (Carson), 19, 45

Singapore, 503f

single-species conservation, 244, 245

sinkholes, 267f

sinks, 149

skin cancer, UV-B and, 33, 36

Skinner, Jack, 266, 275

sliding reinforcer, 13, 14

slurry impoundments, 350

smart growth of cities, 504–505

Smart Roofs, LLC, 506

Page I-18

Smith, Doug, 160, 161f, 169, 172

Smith, Kirk, 394

smog, 383, 385

smokestack scrubber, 398f

Snack Food 20, 235

snowshoe hare, 169, 169f

SO2. See sulfur dioxide

social sciences, 5

social traps, 13, 14

Socolow, Robert, 421–422

sodium chloride (NaCl), 297

soil, 330f

amending, 330

fertility of, 328, 330

nitrogen in, 157t

soil erosion

acid rain, 396f

coastal, 424

Greenland Vikings and, 8

soil management techniques, sustainable, 331

solar energy

drawbacks of, 457–458

on Samsø Island, 456f

technologies, 456–457, 457f

solar panels, 109f

solar-thermal power plant, 480f

solar thermal systems, 456

solar water heater, 457f

solid waste

disposal of, 127–128

EPA’s hierarchy of, 125f

in human ecosystems, 121–122

managing, 118–137

in oceans, 118f, 120

pollution, 127–129

reducing, 135

uncollected, 127

U.S. production of, 122

Solomon, Susan, 26f, 29–35

solubility, definition, 48

Someya, Yumi, 112f

species, 140, 143f

climate change and response of, 417–419

climax, 195

conservation of, 244–252, 247f

core, 186

ecosystem health and well-being of, 178–180

edge, 186

human impact on, 241–243

indicator, 180

interactions between, 189–190, 190f

invasive, 201

keystone, 188, 188f

legal protection for, 249–252, 249t

livelihood of, 160

pioneer, 192

reintroducing, 162

r-selected, 166

species diversity, 184, 185f, 225, 226f

species evenness, 184, 185, 185f

species richness, 184, 185f

Spruce No. 1 coal mine, West Virginia, 340f

SSBx. See Sustainable South Bronx

S-shaped curve, 165, 166f

“stabilization wedge” strategy, 421–422

standard deviation, A–10

standard error, A–10

statistical analysis

descriptive statistics, A–10

inferential statistics, A–11

sample size, A–11

variability, A–11

statistics, 35

descriptive, A–10

inferential, A–11

sterilization, 69–70

storms, increase in, 409


infiltration of, 292f

runoff, 280–281

stratosphere, 26

stratospheric ozone, 26, 40

strip cropping, 330, 331

Strock, Jeffrey, 287–289, 287f


author bias in, 57

epidemiological, 51

in vitro, 50–51

in vivo, 50–51

styrene monomers, 128


agriculture, 312

environmental, 397, 479

subsurface mines, 346, 347f, 348

suburban sprawl, 497–501, 498f, 499f

Sudan, GWD in, 90–91

sugar maple, climate change and, 419

sulfur dioxide (SO2), 390t

sulfur hexafluoride, 483

Sumatra, 220, 220f, 228

supercritical fluids, 459

surface mining, 346

chemical spills related to, 350

environmental impacts of, 348–350

surface water, 260, 268

water distribution and, 261f


achieving, 112–115

renewable energy and, 452–453

sustainable, definition, 11, 101

sustainable agriculture, 316–337, 319f

advantages and disadvantages of, 335t

consumer choices and, 332

methods, 332–334

outcomes of, 327–330

soil management techniques, 331

sustainable cities, 502–507, 503f

effects of, 509

smart growth and, 505

sustainable communities, 490–509

strategies for, 502–507

support of, 504

sustainable development, 9, 111

sustainable ecosystems, 11, 12

sustainable energy, conservation and, 464–466. See also renewable energy

sustainable practices, 11

Sustainable South Bronx (SSBx), 502, 504

Sutherlin, Laurel, 220, 232–233, 234–235

symbiosis, 190

synergistic effects, 51

synthetic fertilizers, 288, 289f