TacTiles, 104–105, 112
take-back programs, 112, 131
Tamiami Trail, 192
tar sands, 372, 374
tax credits, 397
carbon, 422
green, 397, 479
pollution, 113
agricultural, 310–312, 312f
for air quality, 398
clean coal, 352–354, 398
environmental impact of, 104
IPAT model and, 102–104, 105f
oil, 375
passive solar, 457
solar energy, 456–457, 457f
changes in average, 406, 406f, 408
changes in surface, 408
land, 408
measurements of, 415
ocean, 408
ozone depletion and, 29, 37–38
UV radiation and, 27
temperature conversions, measurements and units of measure, A–3
tenement houses, 499–500
Tepco. See Tokyo Electric Power Company
terracing, 328, 331
TerraCycle, 135
tertiary sources, 46–47
testable, definition, 29
test group, 33
TFR. See total fertility rate
Thailand, family planning program, 74
theory, 29, 30
thermal pollution, 280
thermoelectric power, 435
thorium-234, 433
threatened species, 210, 243
conserving, 162
habitat destruction and, 211
Three Mile Island plant, 437
Thurston, George, 391
tight oil, 363
volatility of, 372
time delay, 13, 14
TL. See trophic levels
Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), 444
top-down regulation, 170, 171f
TOSCA. See Toxic Substances Control Act
total fertility rate (TFR), 68, 69
contraception and, 74f
desired fertility and, 74f
education of women and, 74f
pronatalist pressures and, 74f
reductions in, 73
climate change and, 419–420
ecotourism, 252–253, 254t
Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition, 61
dose and, 52
factors affecting, 52
toxicologists, 51
toxic substances (toxics)
dangers of, 47–52
in e-waste, 129–130
exposure to, 52
fat-soluble, 48–49
fossil fuel mining, 48f
natural, 44
persistence, 47–48
regulation of, 45–46
safe exposure levels to, 47–52
solubility, 48
synthetic, 44
toxicity factors and, 52
Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA), 59, 476t
trade-offs, 6, 7
of coal mining, 344–348
of fracking, 375f
of GMOs, 311f
of nuclear power, 446t
of palm oil, 234t
of renewable energy, 463t
of urbanization, 496–497, 497t
the tragedy of the commons, 13, 14
Trans-Alaska Pipeline, 368f
transboundary pollution, 392
transboundary problems, 473, 474f
transgenic organism, 306
transpiration, 260
tree species migration, 417–419, 425, 427
triple bottom line, 6, 7, 106
trophic levels (TL), 182, 183f
tropical rain forest, 144f, 230f
distribution of, 145f
fertile soils in, 157t
resource use in, 157
troposphere, 26
true cost, 106
accounting for, 113
of renewable energy, 461–464
tsunami, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and, 430, 444
t-test, A–11
tundra, 144f, 145f
Turner, Eugene, 280, 282