U-235, 435
U-238, 433
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 26
atmosphere and, 27
effect of, 33
temperature and, 27
unconventional reserves of oil and natural gas, 365, 369–372
environmental cost of, 372–374
in U.S. and Canada, 373f
UNFCCC. See United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change uniform distribution, 162, 163, 163f
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 480–481
United Nations’ Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 10
United Nations Population Division, 79
United States (U.S.)
age structure diagram, 73
agricultural policies, 303
air pollution in, 394–395
electricity generation by fuel in, 343f
energy consumption by, 375–376
environmental history, 18–19
environmental policy in, 473, 476t, 478f
expansion, 18
fracking in, 371–372
greenhouse gas emissions in, 484
international efforts, 19
MSW stream, 123f
Nuclear Waste Policy Act, 440
oil imported to, 379
per capita footprint, 102
pollution concerns, 19
resource consumption by, 117f
resource management, 18
shale formations in, 362–364
solid waste produced by, 122
species protection laws in, 249t
unconventional reserves of oil and natural gas in, 373f
water usage, 272
West Nile virus in, 88
wind energy in, 454
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 417
units of measure, A–3
uranium, 432–433
uranium ore, 434, 436
urban areas
carbon footprint in, 496f
ecological footprint in, 496f
environmental justice in, 497
parks in, 501–502
population of, 492–497
sustainable, 502–507
upgrading, 504
urban flight, 498
redlining and, 499
suburban sprawl and, 498f
urban heat island, 496
urbanization, 490–509
trade-offs of, 496–497, 497t
urban planners, 498–499, 502
U.S. See United States
USDA. See United States Department of Agriculture
UV-A, 26–27
UV-B, 26–27, 31f
increased levels of, 36
photosynthesis and, 36
skin cancer and, 33, 36
UV-C, 26–27
UV radiation. See ultraviolet radiation